Saturday, October 23, 2010

podcasts i like

i'm never around a radio at the right time or don't have time when my favorite shows are on, so i subscribe to the free podcasts!

i like to listen to:
Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me
NPR's "oddly informative new's quiz." Sometimes it makes me laugh so hard I can't walk straight (great when walking down a city street by myself).

Living On Earth
"Sound journalism for the whole planet." PRI's environmental news and environmental program. It informs me of environmental issues around the world.

This American Life
Each show has a theme and tells a variety of stories on that theme, fiction and non-fiction. Some episodes are humorous, others are serious, all are engaging.

Radio Lab
"On a curiosity bender." Perhaps the nerdiest podcasts I listen to. They ask questions about big ideas and experiment and tell stories, using sound "to illuminate ideas...." Very enlightening, I think about their ideas long after I listen.

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